Ancient Healing Practices for Holistic Mental Health

Nikol is a gifted and talented healer that can tailor your session to whatever it is you need. My session was a guided journey, followed by acupuncture with some table work. The result is that you embody your healing and it moves through you to a more transformative place. If you need to be nourished , held or heard , or just plain supported. Go see Nikol!”

~Christina Sproule

Nikol’s Healing Services

Oh Woman,

Mid-life and ALL of it’s intense transitions is damn hard. 

I. Completely. Understand.

I get it. I’m right there with ya. 

Together let’s find the empowerment to heal AND to evolve beyond your trauma story. 

Through ancient medicine practices, we can heal wounds, invoke embodiment, inspire joy and elevate into the next evolution of YOU. 

YES! You have the power within to heal AND to create. 

Together let’s find the dance, the song, the light, the love, the passion,

the JOY,

...the magic…

Healer, Teacher, Guide

…Nikol Angel is a modern day Medicine Woman…

She has devoted herself to ancient healing traditions, plant medicine studies and personal evolutionary practices for over 30 years. She is a Spiritual Guide and has been in clinical practice for 25 years. She has advanced post graduate degrees in East Asian Medicine, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology.

She also holds Certifications of Study in both East Asian and Western Shamanism;Clinical Western, Eastern and Ayurvedic Herbology; Kundalini and Tantrik Vedanta Yoga, Himalayan Breathwork, Massage Therapy; Master Level Reiki; and Aroma Point-Therapeutics.

“Having a session with Nikol is a transformative experience. I always leave feeling relaxed, grounded, and heard - she is incredibly talented and her spirit and energy make each session feel profound. Highly recommend!” ~Jeni Stembridge